Endtimes Support for Biblical Inerrancy

As the world spirals towards unprecedented outcomes, with US elections and the likelihood of unrest no matter what, we also need to look at issues beyond the immediate, and determine if we can find contemporary thinking outside of strictly Biblical scholarship which nevertheless provides deep support for the veracity of scripture. Even though God’s Word is enough for the Believer, unbiased scholarship that can be verified via experimentation and logical arrangements of results may serve as helpful support to sometimes difficult scriptural ascertations for the non-Believer to accept.

Genesis 1 Reconciliation

One of the most helpful approaches relative to Genesis 1 was provided some years ago by Orthodox Jewish physicist Gerald Schroeder, 1965 PhD in nuclear physics and earth and planetary sciences from MIT, ultimately moving to Israel. Schroeder uses the model of the origin of the “Big Bang” compared to the ultimate location of earth, and then comparing the “days” of Genesis with the “eras” of millions of years that it took for each day, being one and the same, once Enstein’s relativity is taken into account.

Genesis 1 – Reconciliation of Biblical and Scientific Views

Intelligent Design Destroys Darwinism

The evolution of the Intelligent Design concepts over the past 30-40 years has essentially destroyed classic- or neo-Darwinism as a realistic explanation of “first things”. Of course, evolutionary processes do take place in various contained enviroments, but in terms of origins of “new” species with “new” functionality, new sources of “design” cannot be described by Darwinism.

Here is the link to a webpage, presenting a collection of scientists in the Intelligent Design movement who deal with various aspects, as things were understood prior to the beginning of the Covid bioweapon attacks on the world in 2020:

Intelligent Design – 2019

An important aspect of Darwinism among some in the Christian academic environment is the concept of “Theistic Evolution”. In this so-named sub-discipline, there has been strong pushback among Intelligent Design “purists”. One example is of an important book, and related conference held at Biola University in March 2018:

Critique of Theistic Evolution

Noah’s Ark and Origins of the Flood

In recent decades, great scientific progress has been made in the apparent “discovery” of Noah’s ark, wherein detailed analysis seems to validate Biblical descriptions at an essentially micro level. And in the case of one of the most important researchers, Rick Renner, also important understanding is found even in the prior human factors on the earth, leading up to the flood.

Here is a 2024 interview of Rick Renner with Eric Stakelbeck:

Noah’s Ark DISCOVERED and The RETURN of the NEPHILIM – Rick Renner – Stakelbeck Tonight (18:16)

Here is Rick Renner’s very descriptive book on the flood, the boat, and the happenings on earth leading up to the “need” for a world-wide deluge:

Fallen Angels, Giants, Monsters and the World Before the Flood: How the Events of Noah’s Ark and the Flood Are Relevant to the End of the Age

Note: There are MANY MORE Renner videos on Noah’s ark and what life was like, leading up to the flood.

Here is his YouTube Channel:

Welcome to My YouTube Channel”

Focus on the Ark

In addition to Rick Renner’s work, consider the Ark Encounter in Williamstown, Kentucky (near Cincinatti, OH).

There are many YouTube videos providing information on this huge “building”. Here is the founder:

Ken Ham Reveals Hidden Secrets at the Ark Encounter (36:12)

There are many more videos in YouTube concerning Ken Ham’s “Ark”, but many of those videos are actually promoting places to stay, and restaurants to visit, when traveling to the Ark Encounter.

Focus on the Fossils

Another ministry dealing with the validity and trustworthiness of Scripture, with views similar to Rick Renner is Dave Rives Ministries:

Here are a couple sample Dave Rives videos. More can be found in YouTube:

Leviathan, the Dragon that is in the Sea David Rives (02:56)

Are Modern Discoveries Proving Scripture – Changing the Narrative with David Rives (28:16)

Untold Truths of Mount St. Helens – Changing the Narrative with David Rives (28:16)


This webpage deals largely with the resolution of concerns about the veracity of Scripture relative to events on earth and beyond, as understood by non-Biblically based entities, such as “secular” universities, and sadly – no tragically – way too many “Christian” schools. It is indeed vital for those who are “believing” Christians to recognize that there is considerable evidence and narrative to reconcile Biblical issues that in the past were considered “deal-breakers”, where certain “natural” causes found in scripture were assumed to be not explanable. That is no longer the case; with the exploration, study and proclamation of true science, those tables are turning: the anti-Biblical “secularists” are increasingly being driven into a defensive mode, in order to preserve their previously dominant positions.

As a reminder, realtive to intelligent design, remember the following “confession” of the inability of Darwinsim to account for the processes of life, without the insertion from some other source (hint: Yahweh) of design.

Giving Up Darwin

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