New Entries
What are those white exhausts coming out of airplanes high above us? A word identifying that activity is called Geoengineering. Here is a webpage which provides information on what appears to be intentional polluting of our skies, as of March 2025.
Geoengineering in 2025 – What Is Going On?
This late December 2024 posting provides a list of Substack writers that are worth following, along with a few to avoid.
The Important Substack Platform
An incredible musician, from a difficult background, coming to Christ, and blessing the world – Terry McMillan.
Terry McMillan – Harmonica for the Lord
In addition to Messiah, another oratorio celebrating the birth of Jesus is “Hodie”, by British composer Ralph Vaughan-Williams.
Hodie – On This Day Christ is Born
The following webpage deals with Handel’s Messiah and similar choral works for the Christmas season.
This late November 2024 webpage below exposes some of the recent information in the use of NanoTechnology in Dental anesthetics.
Nanotech Found in Dental Anesthetics
The next entry deals with new information about the possibility of using some forms of Nicotine to destroy the Nanotechnology being loaded into most humans in the world by the Founders of Covid.
Is Nicotine the Cure for Nanotechnology Corruption in Humans?
In the following entry is a webpage featuring Atty. Todd Callender, and his expose of the damage to humanity of nanotechnology. The post is dated 7/26/2024.
Atty. Todd Callender – Exposing the Spread and Impact of Nano-based Bioweapons
This next entry is a new webpage as of 7/01/2024. It includes interviews with Dr. David Martin, Karen Kingston and Dr. Peter McCullough, providing updates to latest information on exposing the corruption involved with the people and organizations behind the release and “support” of the Covid attack on humanity.
July 2024 – Status of Covid and Related Issues
Eastern Nazarene College
The closure of Eastern Nazarene College was announced in June of 2024. Some classes were continued through the end of 2024, to allow a fairly small number of remaining students to be able to graduate.
Here are a series of pictures of the ENC campus, as it existed in early November 2024.
ENC Campus View – November 2024
This entry provides historical information on the first decade or so of the A Cappella Choir at Eastern Nazarene College in the 1940s and 50s.
ENC A Cappella Choir – The Early Years
Book Review – The Big Fail – Published in Spring 2024
There is both a review of the book, and a separate webpage with explanitory notes. Here is the Amazon page for the book:
The Big Fail: What the Pandemic Revealed About Who America Protects and Who It Leaves Behind.
Here is the Berean Watch book review in online “newspaper” New Boston Post:
Note: If you are required to pay for viewing the review, here is a “free” version:
And here are the explanitory notes that must be read to gain understanding of what the authors make sure they DON’T want known:
Book Review Notes – The Big Fail
Note: The information contained in the above “Notes” webpage is vital for understanding the forces that planned, developed and implemented Covid upon the world.
Political Correctness
The following webpage deals with issues of Critical Theory at Southern Seminary in 2020, and the next webpage then deals with similar problems in overall academia:
Combating Entrenched Postmodern neo-Marxist Ideology in Academia
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The following two webpages provide links to videos of several interviews between the Founder of a conservative Evangelical think tank and two of the intellectuals who undertook a stealth project, posing as ‘grievance scholars’, submitting a series of ‘bogus’ articles to leading Grievance Studies journals, and achieving successful publication of 7 articles, one winning an award, and two based upon thoughts expressed in “Mein Kampf”
Partial Transcript: The Trojan Horse that Deconstructs Communities
Grievance Studies and Societal Meltdown
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Metaxas Interviews Horowitz on ‘Dark Agenda’
Jordan Peterson Interview by Cathy Newman (January 2018)
Prayers for Jordan Peterson at Liberty University
Note: Especially important in this next page is an interview with the son of one of the founders of Hamas, Mosab Hassan Yousef.
Dealing with Same-Sex Attraction
The following webpage provides exposure to the thinking of anti-feminism scholar Janice Fiamengo; she emerged on the scene at the same time another Canadian scholar Jordan Peterson. YouTube banished virtually all her posted videos.
Janice Fiamengo – Introduction
The following two webpages deal with the collaboration of Western governments in the 20th century with the ascent of Communism in its various forms.
Diana West from American Betrayal to The Red Thread
Vladimir Bukovsky and the West’s Collusion with Soviet Russia
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Conservative Christian Activists – 2019
Voddie Baucham – Social Justice and the Gospel
Karen Kingston on Mind Maters and Everything Else with Dr. Joseph Sansone, EP 26 (59:12)
The Political Correctness Primer work started in 2018, but was set aside when Covid arrived. So it essentially deals with Political correctness up until the end of 2019.
A Political Correctness Primer
Note: These constitute a small sampling of webpages dealing with Covid. Over time, more might be added.
This first entry was provided to the Massachusetts legislature in support of testimony at a July 2023 hearing on vaccine mandates for both children and adults.
Attachment to the Joint Committee on Public Health – July 26, 2023
Detox Options for mRNA Contamination from Covid Shots
Karen Kingston – Sample Output, 1st Quarter 2023
Food Clandestinely Loaded with Bio-weaponized Material
Dr. David Martin and Med-Legal Analyst Karen Kingston
Accountability for Biowarfare Against Humanity
Innate Immune Suppression by Covid-19 “Vaccines”
Edward Dowd – Covid-19 By the Numbers
Bringing Covid-19 Perpetrators to Justice
Karen Kingston 2023 – Covid-19-related Substacks
Karen Kingston 2023 – Nanotechnology in mRNA “Vaccines”
Food Clandestinely Loaded with Bio-weaponized Material
The Inexcusable Risks of Covid Vaccines for Children
Intelligent Design and Similar Studies Supporting Biblical Veracity
Intelligent Design – 2019 – Sample Videos
Critique of Theistic Evolution
Dallas 2020 Conference on Science and Faith
Here is Israeli Talmud Scholar and former MIT Physics professor on Genesis 1.
Genesis 1 – Reconciliation of Biblical and Scientific Views
Here are views related to the veracity of the Genesis word-wide flood.
Endtimes Support for Biblical Inerrancy
Climate Reality Forum at COP25 – December 3, 2019
Heartland Institute 13th International Conference on Climate Change
Climate Change Realism – Overview
While not just about “Climate Change”, one of Geoengineering activities is to supposedly release particles into the air above the earth to reflect some of the sun. The major problem is that this is totally unnecessary, and essentially pollutes the air for no reason.
Geoengineering – Polluting the World for Nefarious Goals
Word Economic Forum
Yuval Noah Harari – Klaus Schwab’s Close Advisor
Warning: there are very troubling scenes in some of the following videos.
The Fall of the Cabal – Film Series
Summer 2022 – Sample Voices of Resistance to the Globalists
End Times and Other Sermons
End Times Prophetic Voices – 2019
Here is a new webpage as of late June 2024, providing information on Revivalist preacher Richard Owens Roberts:
Richard Owen Roberts – Revivalist
Classical Choral Music
Rudolph Lutz and Bach Choral Music
Peter Schreier’s and John Eliot Gardiner’s Christmas Oratorio
Brahms Requiem – with Choral Score
Beethoven – Missa Solemnis – An Analysis of a Recording
Classical Orchestral Music
Shostakovish 5 and Historical Context
Church Choral and Ensemble Music
ENC A Cappella Choir – The Early Years
MacDonald Family – Music for the Lord
Brooklyn Tab and Similar Music
Tommy Bates – Pentecostal Pastor and Musician
Choral Anthems – Found on YouTube
Secular Music
Bela Fleck – My Bluegrass Heart